This platform allows numerical data to be efficiently collected from MP4 videos.
It was created with the traffic data collection industry in mind, as this is the domain in which our company DataDevil has most experience. However, the technology can be applied across any industry which requires data to be collected from video footage.
A few examples for which this works well are:
- Classified Vehicle Turning Counts with Queue Lengths
- Classified Pedestrian Movement Counts
- Vehicle Registration/License Plate Collection
- Parking Surveys
- Access and Servicing Surveys
- Time and Motion Studies
There are literally hundreds of uses for this system! Any video containing events which you need to count, classify and describe can be analysed using the Video Datapad platform.
Perhaps you are looking to reduce the costs involved in extracting data from your video by outsourcing it overseas, or to simplify the process and make it more transparent and efficient? This platform can certainly help you.
Maybe you already have a team of people you trust to analyse your videos, or use a computer vision solution? This platform can fit in with your organisation, and improve the handling of event based data.
We've used the advanced facilities found in modern web browsers to allow this work to be carried out without any requirement for installing software. Video is played within the browser for data capture.
How It Works
Contact us to open an account.
Start a new project which will contain your video tasks.
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Upload your video files for enumeration/annotation.
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Set the basic details of the task; which data should be collected, and which keys are used to carry out the work.
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If required, make a video overlay to help the person extracting the data from the video. You may add labels, lines and shapes to illustrate which parts of the video need attention, and can refer to these in any specific instructions you might add.
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Then write some task instructions using our online editor, or choose from the predefined instruction templates.
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Set a price that you are prepared to pay for your task. This can be a fixed payment, or an hourly rate which is calculated automatically using our software once the work is finished.
Invite any of your preferred enumeration providers to undertake the work. They will be notified by email. For many traffic related data collection tasks, there should already be enumeration providers willing to complete the work for you, but if not, you can ask specialists to sign up for an account and help you.
Enumeration providers collect your data using the online interface shown below.
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You will be notified once the task is complete, and can instantly check the data for obvious inaccuracies using pivot charts in the browser.
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Each recorded event is stored with its own timestamp, and all can be downloaded in Microsoft Excel format for further analysis.
If you need further help with analysis tasks, this is what DataDevil specialises in. In fact, one reason we create this platform was so when we're asked to analyse data, we might receive more of it in this reliable and consistent format which makes further analysis more efficient.
The cost depends mainly on how much video you wish to store. So for example if you can get the data extracted quickly, you might be able to do quite a large amount of data collection with a very low-cost account.
We aim to price the service just above our overhead costs, and don't seek to profit from it directly. Instead, we hope you find it useful, and decide to ask us to perform additional work related to the development of new templates for data collection for example.
Although our system helps you to find service providers for your projects, we currently don't act as an intermediary who you can pay for the enumeration work itself. We make it easy to see how much your projects are costing, and provide reports telling you how much you owe your service providers. DataDevil provides a platform rather than a service.
We are currently in discussions with a number of potential partners who will offer their video enumeration services on the Video Datapad platform in the next few months.
Contact Us
Sales and Technical Enquiries
Andy Betsworth -
LinkedIn: Connect
Enumerators and Companies Wishing to Provide Data Collection Services
Click here to register your interest in video data collection work.
Video Datapad was developed by DataDevil. Thanks for visiting!